Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ugly Scrapbook Page Fix

I'm working on my daughter's scrapbook and I created a page I hated. Ug. Hate when that happens. Here's the before to the right.

Just so blah. I'm sure I was rushing when I created it. But now Josephine is down for a nap and I keep thinking about this page. So I had to make some changes.

First I changed all the journaling. The green text right on the patterned paper didn't do much for it. I picked a green that stood out some, but wasn't crazy and swapped the ink to black. I always want to use colored ink, but i always end up going back to the black ink. Am I the only one?

That made it a lot better, but the play ti

me word area was pretty dull. I should have picked better colors. But since that was a cricut I rented from the library, I didn't want to rerent it and redo it. The paper it's on came in a large pack, so there was ano
ther page with this same design. I cut out the larger star, then taped it to yellow paper and cut out the same star. Then I glued it down so it had a little extra something on it. Take a look at the below for the final one. Hope you like it more like I do!


  1. The finished product looks good to me! I can completely related, as I have a page in my 2009 book that is still bugging me, that I may need to redo or dazzle up. My big challenge with scrapbooking is doing side-by-side pages.. do I use the same background pages for each? But what if each of the pages is a different event - should I do them in a complementary color scheme or is it ok if they're completely unmatching? Might be something worth addressing in a later post.. if you've ever had that issue. XOXO -Kat

  2. Thanks katalinakate! I've always done my on the same paper, but I will make a future post about it. Maybe even try it so it doesn't match....:)
