Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Remembering loved ones

Publish PostThese are two pages I created after my Mom and my stepmom passed away from ovarian cancer (yes! Both of them three months a part!). I loved both of them so very much and was very blessed to have two mothers.

These two pages are earlier scrapbooking pages I did, so I don't think they're all that amazing, but what I do like about it, it was kind of therapy for me. Each one is about a three page layout where I have old photos of them, memories, etc. I highly recommend doing it!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Birthday Party!

I love this page because it's an overdose of pink. And all the elements just came together so well. To me, at least. :) What I don't like is the 7th sticker I used. At the time I thought it would be really cool to use up all those extra stickers I just can't get rid of. It's not. It's stupid. :) this is probably one of my trusty page layouts, background color in a small, busy print, and then a complementing, monochromatic color for the backing on all the photos. Then letters in a different color to make it pop a bit.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Michigan Seasons

For a year I was going to the same spot at a park near our house to take photos of the changing seasons. The long term plan is to frame larger prints of these for my house, but for now, I scrapbooked the photos. I wanted the page to showcase the photos in a very simple, clean way. I matted the photos on white paper, and then put that on a black sheet. The 'Michigan Seasons' text is from the cricut, the first one is Jasmine, and I think the word Seasons is doodletype. Love this page!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Below are images from my daughter's baptism scrapbook page. Sometimes I can't stand blogger for the way it loads images, so it's the second page, then the first page, then both together because I don't feel like messing around with the images. Hey! I'm a naptime scrapbooker, I only have a few minutes! :) Maybe one day my daughter will take a three hour nap, but for now, she most certainly does not.

I really wanted to make the whole layout look like the stained glass window in one of the photos, but I was having a really hard time imagining how to do that successfully without it being too busy. So what I did instead was use two blue pages, trim them down so you could see the white underneath and then add the red strip at the top and the bottom. I liked that it was color blocked, probably the closest I would get to the stained glass effect.

I also added a cross mosaic to give it a more religious feel, and because mosaic seems close to me to stained glass, that whole pieced together look. I also add some journaling on just strips of paper to add more of the color blocked look. Also, the mosaic and strips are great ways to use up the little scraps of paper that you hate to throw away! Hope you like it too!

I tried to block out her full name, you know, for internet security and all that. :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Month 2 page

I bought these cute month stickers so that when your baby turns a different month, you put the sticker on and everyone knows if she's 1 month, 2 month, etc. Unfortunately, I didn't order them until after her 1 month birthday. So I started at two months. I want to incorporate them into every month page for her baby album, so this is two months below.

I bought the stickers on etsy from this lady:
I don't know her, but I thought it would be nice to send some link love her way. :) They are a little thin and flimsy, so not something you would keep on all day long because they would get all yucked up, but just fine for what i'm using for.

The little squirrel (her nursery is woodland creatures themed because I have a squirrel obsession) is from the Create a Critter cricut. First time i used it even though i've had it for almost a year! I used some cute paper from Archivers, can't remember the brand, that had little animals on the background, then some greenish paper with orange on top of it. I also did type a lot of stories from when she was two months old. What she was doing developmentally, etc. Took me a few times to get it the right size for space I had.

Ignore the mess in the background of the photo. I've been too lazy to put all the stuff away. Plus, this way I can sit down and get started right away!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Growing Baby Bump Scrapbook page

I took photos almost every week while I was pregnant so I could scrapbook them. I will say that about 40 photos is way too many to put in a scrapbook without it being a 10 page layout. Below is the page I created to showcase that bump for my daughter to one day see!

I don't remember the materials I used because I made this page a few weeks ago, but it all came from Archivers store. Except the two cricuts, one is a font I can't remember the name of (sorry!) that I borrowed from a friend and the other one is a baby one from the library. I'll get better about writing that stuff down.

I have to brag and say I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out. I love the big numbers on the photos for each of the weeks and the small journaling space. If only I didn't have such bad handwriting. Oh well. I'm too lazy to type up everything
all the time. Let me know what you think!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ugly Scrapbook Page Fix

I'm working on my daughter's scrapbook and I created a page I hated. Ug. Hate when that happens. Here's the before to the right.

Just so blah. I'm sure I was rushing when I created it. But now Josephine is down for a nap and I keep thinking about this page. So I had to make some changes.

First I changed all the journaling. The green text right on the patterned paper didn't do much for it. I picked a green that stood out some, but wasn't crazy and swapped the ink to black. I always want to use colored ink, but i always end up going back to the black ink. Am I the only one?

That made it a lot better, but the play ti

me word area was pretty dull. I should have picked better colors. But since that was a cricut I rented from the library, I didn't want to rerent it and redo it. The paper it's on came in a large pack, so there was ano
ther page with this same design. I cut out the larger star, then taped it to yellow paper and cut out the same star. Then I glued it down so it had a little extra something on it. Take a look at the below for the final one. Hope you like it more like I do!