Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Felt Food Craziness

I went a little overboard with making felt food this year.  My daughter is at the age where she likes pretend play and has a little kitchen set downstairs.  She doesn't have a lot of food, and I didn't feel like spending a lot of money on nice food - not the cheap plastic kind.  Weirds me out.

I had pinned a ton of felt foods on Pinterest, so I decided to start making some!  At first the plan was to make them for her friends, which I did.  And it was kind of therapeutic.  Much nicer than watching tv or messing around online all the time like I normally do.  And when we did watch movies, I could create a few of these at the same time.  Pretty nice.

I'll post photos as well as the websites where I got the information from.

The cookies are the easiest by far!  And so cute!  Felt is so cheap at craft stores and I had most of the thread and needles, had to buy a couple colors, but you can get spools of thread for just a few dollars.  The first few cupcakes and cookies I made weren't that good.  I followed the blog Sew Hip Mama for the cupcakes.  I found though that it worked out better for me when I didn't cut the bottom out until after I had sewed the round part of the cupcake first.  I would sew it, then draw a circle around it and cut that out of the felt.  Notice the cupcake on the right?  I found that felt at Joann's and it's so cute with some texture to it.  It costs a little more, but still less than a dollar.  Not as fancy as the cupcakes at Pottery Barn kids, but shoot, a whole lot cheaper than $24.

The cookies I followed  The one issue I had with both the cookies and the cupcakes when I did circles was that it looked like nipples so I would suggest not doing that.  I used a cookie cutter to trace the heart shape on felt.  I thought it was cuter than the circle cookie.

I can't remember which blog I looked at first for the felt eggs, which are also really really easy.  But you can get an idea of step by step instructions at WhileWearingHeels.

The tea bags I stole from a shop on etsy.  Sorry.  Not personal, but I already had all the materials and not paying for something I can make.  Not nearly as good as the ones sold on etsy, but eh, I'm working on it.

Hopefully my daughter will like mine and not think they're crazy.  So far the cupcakes are her favorite.  Pretty much hasn't touched the others.  Plus, I'll still hold out for when some nice wooden food is featured on Zulily.

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