Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Memory Game

I'm struggling with blog posts because I have a ton of half done projects.  Ug.  I hate that.  Everywhere I look are things not quite finished.  But I'm trying to remain positive because I'm slowly working on a few of them now and hopefully will have them done soon!  Of course I have a ticking time bomb- I'm pregnant due end of August, so whatever isn't accomplished by then, probably will wait 10 years.

But hopefully now that it's Spring (even though the weather is still very winter), I'll be motivated to get moving.  Winter always makes me sluggish and depressed.  Though you think I'd take all the time trapped indoors to get projects done.  But no.

So anyways.  A friend of mine was telling me that she wanted to find a memory game for her daughter, a premade one, but not one with characters such as sponge bob or Disney.  I get it, I don't like inundating my daughter with characters either.  Even though I think everyone else does.  I want her to make up her own mind, or as close as possible, to what she likes rather than commercial.  Oh geez, am I one of those Moms?

I was motivated to get my cricut out and cut some little animals out from my Create a Critter cartridge to make a cute memory game.  Check it out below.

i think they turned out pretty cute.  I was also excited to play with my daughter since we can always use new winter time activities.  All she wanted to do was pull the animals off the cares, so that game ended quickly.  they were pretty fast to make, did them in probably an hour or two one evening while my husband entertained our toddler.

the projects I'm motivated most on are to finish a Noah's Ark Baby blanket I've been working on FOREVER (so close to being done too!!!), My daughter's scrapbook (two pages left!!!), and the dining room.  Basically everything about the dining room.  Repainting, decluttering (hahahaha, why do I always set that goal when I know it won't happen??), changing up the mantel, and a new rug.  Just need some money now so I can get one of these fancy rugs on One Kings Lane.

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