Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

A couple friends of mine are getting married soon, so I put together a little wedding day emergency kit for them.  It's filled with things that I thought people might need on their wedding day (and things I needed on my wedding day!).

I ordered a small bag from my friend who does Thirty One bags and had their new last names embroidered on the side.  There are a number of items in there:
- packet of tissues
- water bottle
- mini wine bottle
- small lotion
- mini deoderant
- hand sanitizer
- compact mirror
- shout wipe
- body tape
- disposable razor
- nail file
- altoids
- tampons
- pads
- bandaids
- lip gloss
- perfume sample
- bobby pins
- disposable toothbrush

I'm sure there are lots and lots of other things you could include, but that's about all I could fit.  I would have liked to have added snacks, hair spray, and a few other items.

For the wine, I added a note that says 'In case of drama: 1. open 2. drink', because we all know that weddings can bring out the worst in people.  And the best too!  :)

The finished product which was then wrapped up super cute, but hopefully they find it helpful!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Prayer Board

In our house, we already have one prayer board we keep in our kitchen.  It's a chalk board I bought from Ikea, nothing fancy, we keep a list of all the people we're praying for on it.  Usually at night we do a blanket 'we pray for everyone on the board' but sometimes we get more specific.  I like that it just keeps those people on the top of our minds to every once in awhile check in with them and make sure they're okay.

I wanted to set up one in our bedroom to put on the dresser by my bed to hold a couple prayer cards that we've been given from a priest as well as from a couple marriage programs we participated in.  I also have been taking prayer requests from church to pray for someone in the parish who was requesting it and wanted to be able to put it up there.

Here's the issue: We're on a mega budget.  Baby coming, doing some major construction in the basement, and trying to not go broke means we're a bit on the saving side.  Luckily I had a little magnetic board that someone gave my daughter which she was never much interested in, so I hijacked it and took it for my own.

I used some plain old scrapbook paper and cut it down, cut out some letters from my cricut and voila!  A new prayer board.  I need some not so kiddie magnets, but eh, that can wait!

The colors match our bedroom, at least until I can finally afford to get some new curtains and bedspread from one kings lane!