My husband always says he hates mulch. He doesn't like the way it looks. Personally, I think it's just because it takes a lot of work to do and sometimes he's not into work. Well, he's not. I love him, but his hobbies are watching tv and playing on the internet.
Anyways, our garden was looking better and better, but I was losing the battle of the weeds. When I ripped up the big ones, teeny tiny ones grew back in their place and I don't care if you weed for two hours straight, you can't get them all. And every time you yank one out, you see all the seeds scatter. So I kept bugging him about getting mulch. So he finally did. Thank goodness.
And it is a lot of work. Back breaking work.
First we laid out newspaper to keep the weeds from coming back through (ran out of newspaper though...), then piles and piles of mulch. When the truck dropped off our mulch I just assumed we'd have more than we knew what to do with. Apparently not. We used it all up. It still looks good a month later! We'll see how it holds up in the spring.